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Ski Touring recommended route

Schrankarkopf 3254m Längenfeld/Gries

Ski Touring · Laengenfeld
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  • Am Schwarzenbergferner legt sich der Hang rasch zurück
    Am Schwarzenbergferner legt sich der Hang rasch zurück
    Photo: Ötztal


Selected alternatives for you
    AMBERGER HÜTTE -> Schwarzenbergjoch -> SCHRANKARKOPF
    Distance 6.3 km
    3:30 h
    1,216 m
    14 m
    3,196 m
    2,120 m
    The Schrankarkopf is in the catchment area of ​​the Schwarzenbergferners the easiest to reach and safest tour destination dar. From the "Sulze" from the east is reached over a less than 30 ° steep terrain of the Schwarzenbergferner. In the ascent to the Schwarzenbergkar up to the tongue of the Schwarzenbergferners one holds one between the two 1850er Seitenmoränen. This section is also quite feasible in somewhat trickier avalanche conditions. This relatively gently sloping terrain then continues on the Schwarzenbergferner on. In addition, the glacier has no large gaps zones. Thus one arrives with appropriate favorable snow and avalanche conditions quite surely and unproblematically up to the foot of the now however up to 40 ° steep east flank at the Schrankarkopf.
    Profile picture of Ötztal Tourismus Büro Längenfeld
    Ötztal Tourismus Büro Längenfeld
    Update: March 19, 2024
    Overall difficulty

    Derived from the technical difficulty and the stamina requirements.

    Highest point
    3,196 m
    Lowest point
    2,120 m
    Best time of year

    Track types

    Forested/wild trail 10.43%Path 11.13%Unknown 78.42%
    Forested/wild trail
    0.7 km
    0.7 km
    5 km
    Show elevation profile

    Rest stops

    Amberger Hütte

    Safety information

    Avalanche Hazard Scale

    1 (LOW) Triggering is generally possible but only from high additional load in isolated areas of extremely steep terrain. Only small-sized sluffs and natural avalanches are expected. Snow layers are generally stable.

    2 (MODERATE) Avalanches may be triggered in case of truly heavy loads, especially on a few explicitly indicated, steep slopes. Large spontaneous avalanches are not expected. In general, the snowpack is well bonded except on some very steep slopes. Choose your route carefully, avoid the indicated slopes and exposed sections.

    3 (CONSIDERABLE) Triggering is very probable even from low additional loads, particularly on the indicated steep slopes. On some steeper slopes, medium or even fairly large spontaneous avalanches may occur. On most steepslopes the snow layer is only moderately or weakly stable. Expertavalanche knowledge is required. You must avoid the indicated steepslopes and highly exposed sections.

    4 (HIGH) Avalanches are likely to be triggered on many of the indicated steepslopes even if only light loads are applied. In some places, numerous medium-sized and also large-sized natural avalanches are expected.The snowpack is poorly bonded on most steep slopes. Choose your route according to these criteria, select only moderately steep terrain by avoiding the avalanche runout zones. Very expert avalanche knowledge is required.

    5 (EXTREMELY HIGH) Numerous huge or very large-sized natural avalanches are expected also in moderately steep terrain. Safe skiing is not possible anymore, not even in the marked ski area. The snowpack is poorly bonded and largely unstable. Don‘t go ski mountaineering at all!


    Always check the current avalanche danger level before setting out on a ski tour! A daily updated avalanche report is available (in the winter months) on the official website of Tirol's avalanche warning service www.lawine.tirol.gv.at

    Tips and suggestions

     Since the ascent is clearly arranged and technically quite straightforward, the Schrankarkopf is one of the peaks most frequently approached in the catchment area of ​​the Schwarzenbergferner. The positive conditions allow for a reasonably safe ascent even in high winter. However, slightly dangerous snowboards can build up in the crest area, especially after wind-rich, western weather conditions. The safest way is also here with safe firn conditions in the spring on the way.



    Ski Mountaineering Rules

    • If you enjoy activities amid nature always respect the local guidelines when you set out on a ski tour (for example: wildlife preserves, hunting enclosures, reforestation areas, information boards, etc.).
    • Don‘t enter protected wildlife zones or feeding areas amid naturelandscapes, and avoid noise.
    • Cross forest areas in winter only on sign posted trails or marked routes as wild animals can panic if they hear loud voices or noise.
    • Learn more about the habitat of wild animals in the mountains, avoid getting too close to them. Watch them only from a safe distance. Please put your dog on a lead, it is absolutely irresponsible to take dogs into the forest without leashing them because wild animals suffer from food deficiency and weakness in winter.
    • Excellent planning and time management: start your tour early enough and return before darkness. In spring you should be back on the hut or in the valley at 12 noon (avalanche hazard!) at the latest.
    • Never cross forestation zones and areas with young plants and trees.

    Ötztal Tourismus doesn‘t take any responsibility for the suggested tours. It is strongly recommended to enlist a certified local mountainguide. Glacier crossings are allowed only in a group by using a rope.

    Before you set out on a tour you should inform someone down in the valley about the tour‘s destination and when you plan to be back. Anavalanche transceiver is an absolute must for Alpine ski mountaineering tours.


    More details about ski mountaineering tours in Ötztal: https://www.oetztal.com/skitouren



    Amberger Hütte
    47.042264, 11.074459
    47°02'32.2"N 11°04'28.1"E
    32T 657585 5211949



    Turn-by-turn directions

    From the hut down into the Sulze and south talein. Shortly before the end of the valley, the ascent routes branch off and we keep left eastwards and ascend via ideal ski terrain to the Schwarzenbergtal. Over several off-road grades upwards and short flatter towards the last steep step in front of the Schwarzenbergferner. This is best overcome on the right and changes under the visible ice rifts back to the middle of the glacier. In a wide left bend, still slightly ascending, into the wide upper glacier basin between the Schrankogel and Wildgratspitze. Continue to the northwest on the shapely Firnkuppe north of the cupola and at the end in wide hairpin bends, over the most beautiful ski area, on the highest point.

    Public transport

    Travel safe and comfortable with the train to the Ötztal Bahnhof train station. Last stop and exit point is the

    train station Ötztal Bahnhof. Afterwards you can travel smoothly and quick with the public transport or our local taxi companies through the valley to your desired destination. Please find the current bus timetable here:



    The car drive to the Ötztal valley. Situated in Tirol, the Ötztal valley set off in southerly direction and is the

    longest side valley in the Eastern Alps. The journey with the car leads you through the Inntal valley to the

    entrance of the valley and further on through the valley. Among the toll motorways you can also use the country

    roads. A route planner will show you the easiest and most convenient way: https://www.google.at/maps


    The following parking facilities are available in Gries:

    Gries at the end of the village - chargeable


    47.042264, 11.074459
    47°02'32.2"N 11°04'28.1"E
    32T 657585 5211949
    Get there by train, car, bike, or on foot!


    Recommended ski mountaineering equipment:


    The "standard ski mountaineering equipment" is: touring skis with touring bindings, telescopic poles, climbing skins, ski crampons, digital avalanche transceiver, avalanche shovel, avalanche probe, first aid kit and mobile phone. A ski helmet can prevent severe head injuries.

    A "complete glacier equipment set" contains: sit harness, two prusik loops of different lengths and ascenders, two HMS carabiners, ice pick, climbing irons, bivouac bag, airbag system and rope.


    Pack your rucksack carefully and don't forget extra clothes for the descent, sun protection/cream, cold protection, enough food and drink. If you stay overnight at a mountain hut take toiletry articles and a hut sleeping bag with you.




    • Easy: easy, short to moderate long tours with climbs that do not exceed 25 ° or only for a short time.
    • Medium: Moderate, moderately long to long tours with climbs that do not exceed 35 ° or only for a short time.
    • Difficult: Difficult, long to very long tours with climbs that reach 40 ° or more, and climbing passages up to the II degree of difficulty (UIAA).

    Similar routes nearby

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    • Hinterer Daunkopf
    • Skitour Nisslalm - Längenfeld/Gries
    • Wide Grieskogel
    • Söldenkogel - Sölden
     These suggestions were generated by our system
    Overall difficulty

    Derived from the technical difficulty and the stamina requirements.

    6.3 km
    3:30 h
    1,216 m
    14 m
    Highest point
    3,196 m
    Lowest point
    2,120 m
    Scenic Summit route Linear route High-altitude ski tour


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